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Re: [PyrNet-L] Where is everybody?

On 18 Aug 99, at 8:44, Dancingpyr@aol.com wrote:

> Robyn - who secretly dreams of showing up in dress trousers to show the
> big white fluffies

The first day of our July show was a regional, so Kalinka had to show 
twice.  It was terribly hot and the dogs really did not enjoy running 
around twice that day.  In the afternoon, I guess Kalinka decided 
she'd had enough and started biting my skirt as we gaited around the 
ring.  That set the protocol for the rest of the weekend, here we are 
gaiting and Kalinka biting at my skirt every time we went into the 
ring.  When I train her I wear pants, so guess we will have to do 
some practice sessions with me wearing a skirt. She was still a pup, 
hey, my gosh, Kalinka will be one year old tomorrow!  Where has this 
year gone, seems like she was just a little baby!  Well, she's still 
acting like one <vbg>! At least there are brief glimpses of a mature 
dog in there somewhere LOL!

Taos, New Mexico