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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyr/Yorkie household

Just saw program on TV and they said they were used for rats around the farm
and most of them yap all the time, not to good with little kids.
Give it time and keep a eye on the two of them when they are together. I
would give the little one a spot that it can get to that is up at the level
of your big guy. It's understandable the reactions you are seeing as there
can only be one boss and the size does not matter to them, it's just a help
in some ways but I have seen the small guys take charge of the bigger ones.
Yorkies don't as a rule get along with other dogs even around there own (so
I have heard.) Just keep on letting Smokey know that he is the love of your
life and that he just has to be nice.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jen Hannum <seahag89@earthlink.net>
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 8:47 PM
Subject: [PyrNet-L] Pyr/Yorkie household

>Hello everyone!  Smokey and I recently moved into a house that has a one
>year old Yorkshire Terrrier, unneutered male and a one year old female
>neutered Golden Retreiver.  Smokey is a 3 year old, male neutered pyr who
>is well socialized around dogs.  Smokey loves the golden (he especially
>loves to mount her, even though he's fixed) but the Yorkie is another
>story.  The Yorkie is an obnoxious 5lbs of yapping and nipping.  Smokey
>tolerates a lot but the Yorkie jumps up into Smokey's face and nips at him.
> Smokey then gives a warning growl and if the Yorkie ignores it (which he
>usually does) Smokey attacks the Yorkie.  So far Smokey as only pawed him
>to the ground and mouthed at him but I'm afraid Smokey will actually hurt
>him.  Not by biting him but he could crush this little dog with one paw.
>Does anyone own a Yorkie that could give me advice?  I checked some Yorkie
>websites for a description on what they're like and the websites are all
>noticably silent on temperment and barking.  Of course when you check the
>Pyr websites, including the AKC, temperment is a prominent topic.  Do
>Yorkies serve a purpose like hunting or something?  Is there anything I can
>do with him?  So far treats and being nice have not worked (have you ever
>heard of a dog that doesn't like dog treats?!).  I'm going to keep him and
>Smokey separated for a while but that does not solve the yapping issue.
>Any help or insight would be appreciated!
>Jen and Smokey
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