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Re: [PyrNet-L] years go by!!

Way to go, Jan and Kermit! What a story about the judge who didn't/doesn't
know a pyr from a newfie! We've often joked about having shirts made with
words to the effect of, "No, they're not white newfies," "Only about 3-4
cups a day," "Only a little over a hundred pounds," and "Yes, we'd noticed
that they're big dogs!"
Our shy little Ivy Rose continues to astound and move us with her loyalty
and courage. Twice lately (most recently this morning) when I've been
walking them on their flexi leashes in the woods, we've had to come down a
steep slope where the footing isn't great for a "momma" with a pyr leash
in each hand. Both of them are pretty good about the "easy" command, which
means "wait up, I don't have your mountain goat footing!" but Ivy will
come back right alongside me, and almost lean into me as she guides me in
what she has decided is the best way down. Once we're on the flat, she's
off sniffing again....and warily watching just in case some other human
should be within a 200 acre radius! 
Peg reminded me that, before we brought Shelley home, I had some
reservations about whether I could ever love another dog as much as I did
Paddington. Each one of them just seems to expand that capacity with
her/his own wonderful being. I don't know any other breed where they share
so many of the magnificent breed characteristics yet have such distinct
personalities.  I guess I'm particularly feeling today just what a
privilege it is to share lives with these creatures.
Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose (I might be scared, Momma, but I know my