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[PyrNet-L] Today I said goodbye

I had to say goodbye to my best friend today...I think it was one of the 
most difficult things I have ever had to do.  Punkin was a month shy of 
24 years old and I don't remember life without him.  He was my childhood 
friend, my teenage confidant, and my adult companion...
I knew that his time was short and there were times before today I had 
contemplated helping him to the rainbow bridge...but he would simply 
look at me and tell me not today..he wanted just one more day, one more 
ray of sunshine.  He suffered a stroke of some kind last week and it 
seemed to devestate him.  Again I almost let him go and again he told me 
no, not today...
Then yesterday came and the joy he had in sunbathing, eating and 
throwing kitty litter out all over the place was no longer important.
This morning the descision was made...today...he wanted to go today.  
All the way until his body colapsed, he purred in happiness....today I 
said good bye.

To Punkin with love....best damn cat in the world...


Adrienne Wilder  
Murrayville GA

"Oh, to be loved by a dog!"

Home of:
The golden gang,
Patou and the evil sister geese.
and many stray cats.