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[PyrNet-L] Tellington Touch

I've seen several requests for information about the Telling Touch
(T-touch) in relation to training.  I've never used it that way, but have
found it very beneficial for thunder storm anxiety reduction.

The thing to realize is that it is NOT massage in the normally understood
sense.  I ordered a video which came with an instruction manual.  Using
just the manual I was pressing much too hard and it did not work.

The video had techniques for affecting particular ailments, but I just do
an all over approach and it works for stress reduction, while helping
Clondike and I to bond.

We usually do this with Clondike lying down.  I just place my hand on any
portion of her body that is handy and using my first two fingers, make
light circular motions, pressing just hard enough to move the outer layer
of skin, but not getting into the muscle layer.  You do one circle at a
time and them move your hand to another area--I like to move randomly all
over the exposed parts of the dog.

The ears are especially sensitive and the manual suggests they are the
best area for stress reduction, so I give them special attention.  You
just hold the ear flap in your hand and lightly make circles with your
thumb.  Clondike LOVEs this!  She gets a dreamy look in her eyes (when I'm
doing this just for fun--it takes a little more to do this when it is

Linda Tellington-Jones has used the T-touch to calm zoo animals needing
veterinary care and has helped train truly unmanageable animals by getting
their attention with this technique.  I wouldn't recommend it for a novice
with an aggressive dog, but I can see where it could be part of a training
program--or just a fun activity to help you bond with your dog.

If my awkward description seems to have some merit, I'd recommend the
videos (I don't have any financial interest in them in any way).  I think
they cost about $30 and are available from a number of doggy book dealers.
I found seeing the procedure really improved my technique.


 David Kintsfather              | PHONE:       (610) 683-4497
 Dept. of Telecommunications    | FAX:         (610) 683-4659
 Kutztown University            | INTERNET:    kintsfat@kutztown.edu
 PO Box 730                     |   "We need not think alike to love alike."
 Kutztown, PA  19530-0730       |                Francis David