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Re: [pbmserv] Looking for games: Go, Chess, Terrace, Hex
Hi Richard! Love to you.
On 12/2/05, Richard Rognlie <rrognlie@gamerz.net> wrote:
> I imagine we could do something along the lines of...
> if your seeking games, and your game count is less than your max/active
> count you'd be added to the anonymous "pool"...
> then someone could issue an anonymous challenge.
> they would get a player randomly selected from the anonymous pool.
It can be more automatic than that. If you are seeking games, and you
are below the limit, the server automatically issues a challenge
between you and the opponent that is closer to you in rankings.
Maybe there is some reticence on automatic challenges... But then, you
substract one from the number of games seeked for each successfull
challenge. Is this number used for anything right now?
Possible refinements:
* The parameters of the game are the same as the last one you issued
(it chooses randomly from one of the players; you can always resign
games you do not like)
* It does not issue a challenge if there is more than a given
difference between players.
* Only stablished with stablished, and provisional with provisional.
* An opt-in scheme, so players have to ask to get in the challenge
engine. It would issue challenges from players who have opted in, to
any player seeking a game.
> > I can do PHP. Who is doing the development in http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/?
> wamelen is in charge of that part.
Is there anyone collaborating with him on that, or maybe he prefers to
do it alone?
Does the application have access to the player/game database, or just
asks for the information through emails?
if it is the second option on both, I might try my hand at a challenge
engine by myself at home. I would like to see the code to rip off...
ehem... learn from it.
I would also like to see other games included in the engine, like chess.
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[pbmserv] Looking for games: Go, Chess, Terrace, Hex
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