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[pbmserv] Looking for games: Go, Chess, Terrace, Hex
- To: pbmserv-users@gamerz.net
- Subject: [pbmserv] Looking for games: Go, Chess, Terrace, Hex
- From: Ezequiel Martín Cámara <ezequiel.martin.camara@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 09:34:10 -0600
- Authentication-results: play.gamerz.net header.from=ezequiel.martin.camara@gmail.com; domainkeys=pass
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta; d=gmail.com; h=received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition; b=A6SeXPKhkYjncU08b97Tb7Y4QNJ8j0vYfRAey6zd5TmYt3Z8qHzrtOQ3C6vZPnh0E60NVA3LfuYSXu+G0OIOxC2YURytgcU9wbYBWTaLuAjKi4Dn9hUMcPG0jLiV/9tCDcLEz8GDwV/ruvN/F09fin4+/3RH51SJwuFHQgOA5Kw=
- Sender: owner-pbmserv-users@gamerz.net
Hello all.
I am looking for new games, challenge me, I have limits set so no need
to ask permission.
BTW, has someone worked on an automatic challenge engine? I mean, a
player can set a limit of concurrent games and a request of games, so
it should not be hard to set a system that would automatically find
pairs of players that are of about the same level, are below their
game number limit, and are requesting games, and issue a challenge...
I can do PHP. Who is doing the development in http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/?
Go: I am learning. Want points? Just play me. I would like it if you
would criticise my game, and tell me when I make mistakes.
Chess: I can put a fight there.
Hex: I used to be better, I am rusty.
Terrace: Just try me.
Ezequiel Martín Cámara