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[pbmserv] question about the game "Alak"

Alak is "1-dimensional go", as implemented on the PBEM server. I've never
played Alak before and was contemplating having a...erm...go. But I
don't understand the rules! I know something about usual (2-dimensional)
go, but can't follow the second example in the Alak rules: the position is


(on a 7 by 1 board) and the rules say that O could play the blank square
on the left (capturing all 4 X pieces---this much I understand), or he
could play in the blank square on the right, forcing X to play the last
remaining blank square and X wins 5-2. I don't follow this last bit at
all. By my understanding of the rules of 2-d go, O is not allowed to play
in the blank square on the right because he instantly then loses both of
his pieces, and suicide is illegal in 2-d go. Isn't it?

Can anyone clarify this?