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Re: Quoridor Ideas
> When does the Quoridor Tournament start? I lost my first three games, but
> I just won two, so I'm ready. I don't want to start any more games if the
> tourney will be starting soon.
Hi Randall,
This morning I sent Richard a list of pairings and game numbers to set up, so I think the tournament will start soon. But I remember
reading something from the list recently that they'd tried to get in touch with Richard and hadn't heard anything, as if he was on
vacation. If that's so it may be delayed a bit, since he has to set up the tournament games. (They don't get normal game numbers,
but numbers like A12 and D23, where the letters indicate which round and the digits indicate the player within the round. Richard
has some system for creating these.)
Mark Thompson
userid markthomps