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Quoridor Ideas
When does the Quoridor Tournament start? I lost my first three games, but
I just won two, so I'm ready. I don't want to start any more games if the
tourney will be starting soon.
I have some ideas for Quoridor. The game is implemented here is the same
as the boxed game (or so I assume, since I haven't seen it). That's fine
for a default, but we can have options.
-fences:# number of fences per player
-size:#x# number of columns and rows
-goal:a# goal space. Instead of getting to the far side, the player
needs to get to this specific space.
The opponent's goal is set symmetrically.
-start:a# Instead of starting at a4, the player starts in this space. The
opponent's start space is set symmetrically.
To allow for handicap games, everything but size can be set separately for
each player: -ofences, -xfences, -ogoal, -xgoal, -ostart, -xstart.
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