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Hell all,
Yes, I am still alive!
I've had a suggestion from some for a larger scramble board, say 19x19. This
should be easy to do and I'm willing to put it together. I was originally
thinking of making it an option when starting a new game, but now that I
think about it, it really makes more sense to have a separate game. So, I'll
probably call it "bigscramble" (or "bs" for short??!)
Anyway, do I have any suggestions for a 19x19 board layout with special
bonus squares?
Any more importantly, do you think there should be more tiles in the pool?
How many more, and how many of which letters should I add? More vowels? More
"rare" letters? Is there a "standard" 19x19 scrabble being played anywhere?
And how about the extra letter distribution for French? Any suggestions from
the French players?
- Bob
P.s. I have some patches that were sent to me for Hearts, and I've got a new
version with some changes partially completed. I haven't looked at it in
about a year, but I'm going to try to get back to it and finish it up.