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Broadcast from jeroen via PBM Server
There is a bug in hearts it's impossible to play with less then four players.
The server allows and needs that players can forfeit, resign or get deleted.
So there will me be situation where there are three or less players.
What must be the rule about "shooting the moon", winning tricks, winning the game
(there can only be one winner?) with three or less players.
What if a player directly resigns after winning a trick. Who is to start the next trick?
I will include an interesting example where the bug shows very clearly.
Summary of Hearts Board 155
It is jeroen's turn.
jeroen mkeroppi aardvark thrawn
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 ->
5 2C 6 10C 7 KC 8 5H
9 -- 10 -- 11 JC 12 KD
13 5C 14 AC 15 -- 16 --
17 -- 18 3C 19 9C 20 QS
21 6C 22 -- 23 8C 24 4H
25 QC 26 7C 27 -- 28 --
29 8S 30 KS 31 AS 32 JS
33 -- 34 -- 35 4C 36 3H
37 AH 38 KH 39 JD 40 5D
41 9D 42 10D 43 7H 44 10S
45 AD 46 6H 47 8H 48 9S
49 7S 50 Forfeit 51 10H 52 2D
53 7D 54 -- 55 Resign 56 6S
Current trick:
eight of hearts
nine of spades
seven of spades
ten of hearts
two of diamonds
seven of diamonds
six of spades
Player summary:
A: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >> jeroen
B: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cards: 4 Hearts: 1 Queen: No
C: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cards: 4 Hearts: 0 Queen: No
Cards: 24 Hearts: 6 Queen: Yes
Cards: 0 Hearts: 0 Queen: No
Subscribers: mkeroppi aardvark