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Re: [pbmserv-dev] oldest games on the server

'Twas 21:04 -0400 on Monday 5/24/2004 when Richard Rognlie wrote:

>The old logs are a bit spotty (due to rotating the old logs out before
>I actually had a dedicated box for gamerz where I could archive
>everything) , but here's the best I can do from my current records...

183 games. Cameron only has to implement 17 more to hit 200. Except I don't think all 183 exist. Eg, aren't Risk and Risque the same game?

From this data I note:

Month with the most games:  August 1995 (9).
Year with most games:  1995 (32).
Games by year:	
1995	32
1996	20
1997	11
1998	18
1999	16
2000	16
2001	21
2002	17
2003	23
2004	9

Longest gap between new games: 7/16/2001 to 11/7/2001, 114 days. Actually the game on 4/11/1997 is called "list" which doesn't look like the name of a game, so the gap from 1/24/1997 to 7/7/1997 is 164 days.

Of course missing log data and spurious entries could be skewing all of this.
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