----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 1:21
Subject: [HOE] HoE Hucksters... Did I
miss something?
I'm thinking of playing a Huckster in HoE. It is going to be a very long
campaign, so i am going to pick it up through play. There seem to be some
issuse that have risen.
1) Now, I understand that the manitous are more powerful. After about 40
draws of 6 cards and not getting more than a few successful castings (without
inmplying the increased minimum hand from Junkman Cometh), I have to wonder if
this is just far to difficult. What are everyone's thoughts on this. Are
hucksters getting smacked down too easily?
2) The AB in Junkman Cometh seems to allude to the fact that you have to
psudo become a Junker before you can become a Huckster (or at least by that
method). What about the good ol' fashion Hoyle's method?
3) With the Hoyle's way, what would be the malfunction numbers for the good
The biggest thing that is getting me is that the hexes are really hard to
cast before the restrictions for HoE. Am I missing something?
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