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Re: [HOE] Character Generators

>> > You know, if the program were done in, say, tcl/tk, it could run
>> > without modifications on many, many platforms.
>Techincally the same can be said for Java, or C++, or even Basic(VB is a 
>entirely different story).  Its just a matter of compilers.  The problem is 
>that you have to use some very low level generic class, especailly for 
>graphics.  So the program will run across platform, but it will look like 

Java is considerably closer to being fully cross-platform with the more recent
releases, though I'm told there's still a few problems. I like it because making
GUIs is insanely easy with the Swing library, and I've written a few roleplaying
utilities with it. If someone wanted to translate the chargen to Java, I could
volunteer to help, but I'm too busy (and lazy) to take on the whole job myself.

--Robert Holland