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Re: [HOE] Lost Colony book

On Monday, September 9, 2002, at 07:26  PM, Jason Young wrote:

> lc@gamerz.net is the list server address for that setting.
> I think it's very good, personally. My praises far outweigh my 
> criticisms.
> It is both new and the same, which is important. Some of the situations
> are obviously inspired by the American west, but that's kinda the point,
> so they don't lose points there. The creativity of what /is/ new is what
> matters, and I think it's quite good.

It's very new... That's good, though.

> It gives you the basics of the setting (both dirtside and in space),
> information on playing humans on Banshee, some information on playing
> Anouks (the natives of Banshee), gear, and the Marshal's section.

The addition of space is an interesting an unexpected touch. The heavy 
support for 'Han Solo' style pilots is a great touch. I love the edge to 
get a ship as a starting character...

> There are two new AB's: Mutes (people who can transmute materials into
> certain kinds of devices) and Anouk Shamans. There are also rules on
> importing other AB's and how they work on the Lost Colony.

Yup. One minor complaint seems to be lack of notes for people going the 
really long way and bringing over a Weird West AB. I do kind of like 
that the setting seems to be trying to make ABs truly rare. While I like 
them (and I really love the danger of them) in the Weird and Wasted 
Wests, my posse seems to try to slip into D&D roles with them a bit... 
The Fighter (Gunslinger), Thief (Sneak & Social character), WIzard 
('heavy artillery' Arcane Background, like a huckster) and Cleric 
(Blessed)... With LC, I think the latter two roles will be filled with 
mutes and other specialists as the 'wizards' and medics as the healers.

The mutes are nifty. They have a definite chunk of the mandatory 
'weirdness' we've all come to expect, mixed with a power set that is 
undeniably useful.

One really good suggestion is the addition (hey, this'd be a good 
Epitath article topic, maybe even a good contest!) of more mute packages 
targeted towards things the colonists will need... construction gear, 
basic luxuries, etc. I am slightly worried that a mute could turn into a 
money-maker and get  abused.

The Rangers are an interesting touch.I'm slightly worried that they 
could be an issue, overtaking a campaign, but they seem to have the 
freedom to go around randomly doing good deeds within their charter.

The anouks are very interesting. Definitely inspired by Indian culture, 
but with a lot of tweaks. As characters, I don't think they'll be too 
popular in my posse, but i might get one or two...

> My FLGS just received it last week. Others have had it for a week or 
> two.
> I made certain to ask, though, as I wanted it as soon as they could get
> it.

I went direct to PEG to get mine... They needed to ship me something 
anyway, so...

MAN? (Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett)