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Re: [HOE] Vampires

> I would assume that if a vampire drank enough, he himself would become
> irradiated and expose others to radiation when he was near.  Of
> course, I would also assume that if he was exposed to too much
> radiation, it would begin to bake his unliving skin off his body...
> but what do I know, I'm not a rocket scientist, or even a nuclear
> physicist :)

Well common theory (books and movies) is that vampires are allergic to UV
light. Which is really just a form of radiation. So it could be that
irradiated blood would be poison to a vampire (of course it could not be,
it depends on how much vampires are allergic to radiation, what type, if
it even IS the radiation, etc.) 

Of course if you did decide vampires were allergic to radiation then they
should all be dead or in hiding by the time of HoE. Not too many
non-irradiated places out there...

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab, Safety Warden (Bldg. 85)

	"Wow, a sleep-over. A roaring fire, sleeping bags on the floor...
	 it's just like that time I got kicked out of Sports Authority."
						- Homer Simpson