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Re: Re[6]: [HOE] Catholic Saints

My friend, it wasn't my intention to imply that you were incompetent or
anything of the sort.  I was just hoping to point you in the direction
of a useful resource.  Sorry if the tone didn't come across as such in
the previous e-mails.


--- Jerzy <cierzy@mag.com.pl> wrote:
> Hello Bryce,
> Tuesday, September 3, 2002, 11:22:15 PM, you wrote:
> BP> Jerzy,
> BP> Catholic.org  is  the  official  webpage  of  the Vatican. If
> it's
> BP> there,  it's gospel (pun intended). =) Next time you're talking
> to
> BP> your priest
> Okay then. Sorry for my incompetence.
> Jerzy
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