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Re: [HOE] Unity Spoilers in Lost Colony

hey there!

Let ,em play. just change a few things here and there to mix it up for him.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David L. Hoff" <dlhoff1@charter.net>
To: "HOE" <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 2:09 PM
Subject: [HOE] Unity Spoilers in Lost Colony

> Greetings!
> I had a very bad thing happen over GenCon weekend. I had purchased The
> Unity when it first came out, but have not had a chance to run it yet.
> One of my core players for my HOE campaign is getting married, and has
> been having to spend almost every weekend handling last minute details.
> The wedding is only a couple weeks from now though, and I had been
> planning on running The Unity starting in September. What has now
> happened is that one of my other players went to GenCon this last
> weekend, and decided he was going to buy Lost Colony so he could run a
> campaign of that and give me "a chance to play something instead of
> running all the time." You can probably guess what happened. He read
> Lost Colony, including the many spoilers in it for The Unity. He called
> me last night to admit to this, and to offer to bow out of the campaign
> since he now "knows too much". I really don't know what to do about
> this. He has been a core player in my HOE campaign ever since I started
> running it, and now, just as I was getting set to wrap up the campaign
> with the Best Adventure Ever, he has ruined it for himself by reading
> the Lost Colony book. AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
> I don't know what to do other than to warn other Marshals out there that
> if you have not ran The Unity yet, warn all of your players to not even
> touch a copy of Lost Colony until you have done so.
> --David L. Hoff
> dlhoff1@charter.net
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