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Re: [HOE] Raise the Kidd!

Okay, since half our gaming group is on this list, I figured I'd chime in on 
this subject.  I'm the guy who is playing Traveler, the doomie who wants to 
raise the CSS Kidd.

First, I want to address some things that people have said that make my head 
twitch.  I already know where the Kidd is, since its barely below the 
surface of the water, almost in the middle of Red Stick.  All the 
townspeople know where the thing is.  That being said, it is unlikely it is 
too screwed up, Navy ships tend to be rather durable.  The water there isn't 
very deep, since a WWII destroyer (we estimate it's WWII since it uses 40mm 
AA guns, not in use for a while) isn't really that large of a ship.  I don't 
have the specs on hand (all my navy crap is on its way to my next duty 
station), but they are a smaller surface warfare ship, smaller than a 
cruiser and larger than a frigate (glorified patrol boats that they are).

Okay, on to the topic.  Traveler has Sculpt, which conveniently makes 
material into malleable putty, perfect for patching holes.  There is a civil 
engineer in the town (Tinsdale is the name) who could lend his expertise.  
Plus Trav has a few friends basically everywhere, on account of the S-Swat 
conveniently saving a lot of people who were supposed to die in the Boise 
Horror (including Doomsayers, Sky Pirates, and the Chamber reps), so I 
figure getting a little help for a good cause will be possible.

My thoughts on the matter are to scavenge a salvage company (there is one in 
Galveston, TX, called Underwater Marine Inc) and dig up some of the things 
that might be useful.  Namely big ass balloons to lift the ship and maybe 
some silt fans and pumps.  Once the Kidd is above water, any holes in the 
hull will greatly aid in draining out the silt and water.  With junker tech 
and some smarts and work, it should be possible to return the Kidd to 
semi-working order (WWII destroyers were diesel, I believe, so could be 
converted to spook-juice with some tinkering), provided you replaced the 
guns with something useful.  The large guns (I don't recall standard 
armament on a destroyer, but there is at least one set of good size guns) 
would provide excellent working material for a new device.  The wiring is 
probably shot, but could be redone if you weren't concerned about keeping it 
pretty.  The waveguide for the radars and comms is still going to be in 
place, though rusty and needing work.  I think Trav could raise in within 2 
to 3 months and do his part, after which it would be up to the town and 
anyone Trav got to help to return it to some usefulness.

Okay, I'm done for now.  Let me know what you think.

  - Josh Simpson
    Electronic Technician 3rd Class
    United States Navy

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