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Re: [HOE] Unity, big question; (Shane?)

>Okay, after reading through those, I'm thinking (especially Boise Horror),
>"Did the writer actually INTEND anyone to live through that?  And if this 
>supposed to be a "party bulker-upper for the TOUGH stuff" good grief!  Just
>how tough is Unity?"
Tougher then Boise Horror!!!

You're just starting to run HOE so I think you will soon learn that power 
levels are much higher then in Deadlands(Much Much Higher)  A Well placed 
Nuke, Or Arson, Or EMP, or Mirv can cause tons of bad things to happen to 
you lovely Villians.  But if your party is small(less then 5 people)  I 
would supplement some NPC to take hits and add fire power.  My Plan in the 
Unity(even though I have 6 players)  Is to add a small group of 
soldiers(4-6)  that kinda end up getting assigned to my players.   This way 
there are more bodies to kill and if a player loses a guy really early, he 
can run an NPC and still be playing.


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