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Re: [HOE] Munchkin maker

> I have a problem with a member of my posse.
> He's a nice guy, but he's also an accountant by trade and he has a real 
> knack for tweaking rules to create super munchkins and get them all kinds of 
> nice stuff.  He's great at bending the rules just enough to make things 
> iffy, but not illegal.  Case in point, he once designed a Vampire that 
> didn't have to drink blood, and he would have gotten away with it if I 
> hadn't put my foot down.

We have a player like that in my group. He's an engineer and has the same
kind of mentality. As far as he's concerned it's okay to have a Glow Stick
using Molecular Cohesioned, Veridian Goliath. Never mind that it ruins the
game for the rest of us (either he wades through all the bad guys and we
do nothing, or the bad guys have to be pumped up so high that the rest of
us CAN'T do anything). For him it was all about the numbers and what could
be legally done. Thankfully he never really did any rules stretching
though. We did have to reign him in though. Once I even had to use the
old, "Because I'm the marshal, and I say so." line. But only once.

With people like that you have to sit them down and explain about the
spirit of the game. Tell them that their idea is cheesy and lame. Then if
they won't listen, let them play the vampire and have someone use a mirror
and an open window and kill the vampire with massive sunlight damage :)

What I'm saying is that if they are going to play characters like that
then you can play NPCs like that. This uber-vampire is going to attract
attention. So this cult of vampires ambushes him and 10 of them shoot
crossbows at him. One of them is bound to get lucky and hit the heart (if
they don't, lie and say one did, you're the marshal and, quite frankly, he
deserves it). Then they can take him and toy with him at the leisure.

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab

	A lot of people set goals for themselves.
	Some even try to achieve them.