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Re: [HOE] Junker device help WAS: Lost in Space Armor (Was: Some questions)
On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 12:58:15 -0400 Darrin Bright <darrin@neobright.net>
> > Rocketman - to make the missiles
> Not Ammo instead?
You'd need Ammo to make the warhead, and Rocketman to make the lil'
> Hrrrm... well, sensor is probably necessary but I'd try and drop
> brains... actually, I'd probably use Trait instead, possibly
> Cognition/Artillery or Shootin': Gyrojet. Or wait... isn't there a
> Targetting power? Well, either way, once the gyrojet was fired I
> guess
Trait doesn't exist anymore; it's been replaced. You need Brains to give
a machine the aptitudes, and, in this case, Agility to give it Deftness
to actually move itself. The rules for making heat-seeking missiles are
very clearly layed out under Rocketman; really, they leave little room
for interpretation.
> I have a sneaking suspiscion the junker rules were just a wee bit
> too complicated to do proper justice to junker tech. I guess I would
> have rather seen something done with some sort of "five dot rule" a la
> White Wolf's Storyteller, which is basically: "If it can't be expressed
> five dots, then it's too complicated."
Besides it being a dead 'orrible idea to choose such a hacked, backward
system when you're reasonably sure that all of your writers and most of
your players have some frontal-lobe activity, I'd say that, under
anyone's reckoning, this gun would be in the "impossible" range to build.
From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo
". . ."
-Ryu Hayabusa