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Re: [HOE] Junker device help WAS: Lost in Space Armor (Was: Some questions)

Ah yes, the Gyrojet pistol.

Theo McGuckin wrote:

> I was trying to build it (my first attempt at using Junker rules, yikes!)
> but it seemed to require a LOT of powers:
> Gunsmith - to make the gun
> Rocketman - to make the missiles

Not Ammo instead?

> Sensor - so the missiles can be heat-seeking
> Brains - so the missiles can track the heat-seeking signal

Hrrrm... well, sensor is probably necessary but I'd try and drop 
brains... actually, I'd probably use Trait instead, possibly 
Cognition/Artillery or Shootin': Gyrojet. Or wait... isn't there a 
Targetting power? Well, either way, once the gyrojet was fired I guess 
it would make either a Cognition roll (to acquire a target) and/or a 
Shootin' roll to hit it.

> Armor/Shield - this one's odd, Rocketman has a back blast to it, which
> wouldn't really be compatible with a handgun, so I'd thought about using
> shielding/armor to protect the firer. The other option would be to have
> the gun be a mini railgun that fires the missile out 5-10 feet before the
> missile ignites...

I'd probably leave shield out and not use Rocketman, just Ammo.

> So that's 4 or 5 powers to make a fairly simple (in concept) gun. Is there
> another way or is this simply a device that doesn't translate well in HoE?

I have a sneaking suspiscion the junker rules were just a wee bit too 
complicated to do proper justice to junker tech. I guess I would have 
rather seen something done with some sort of "five dot rule" a la White 
Wolf's Storyteller, which is basically: "If it can't be expressed in 
five dots, then it's too complicated."