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Re: [HOE] explosion "reduction"?

> Has it occurred to anyone else that the reduction in die type for
> things like Nuke have actually made them MORE deadly?  It's the same
> reason that 4d6 is better statistically than 3d8.  The lower die type
> results in an increased chance of aces, therefore the d12s are (at
> least theoretically) going to roll higher than d20s.  I thought of
> this when I was recounting the story of a guy who took more damage
> from an exploding flamethrower than the guy who was wearing it, even
> though there was a wall between them.  Has anyone else noticed this to
> be the case?

It all depends, d12's win out up until about 14 or so (Matt?) then the
d20's start taking over in a big way. So if you are shooting for low to
mid-level damage then the d12's will win. But they can't beat d20's for
the higher end damage. It's a little harder to judge because d4 +2 = d6,
d6 +2 = d8, d8 +2 = d10, d10 +2 = d12, but d12 +8 = d20!
So the damage gap between d20's and d12's is much greater than in the
other cases.

Theo McGuckin - SysAdmin, JLab

	"Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!"