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[HOE] The Librarian's Almanac for June 29th

JACKPOT, NEVADA- Cecil Martin, the town councilman, is
offering a bounty of canned goods, clean clothes and a
small amount of medicine in exchange for the hunt and
capture of the Nine Hells motorcycle gang. Last week,
the whole crew blew into town and started raising hell
in the lone surviving bar. When Martin wandered by to
get them to crank it down a notch, the gang whipped
out automatic pistols and started filling the air with
lead. There were blessedly little fatalities as the
gang shot its way out of town, but the weapons
themselves got the Councilman to thinking. Each one
had at least two NA Thunderhead automatic pistols in
their possession with at least a dozen clips to go
with them. Martin is curious as to where the gangers
got their matching weapons and so much ammunition.

TRANQUILITY PEAK, COLORADO- The underground enclave in
the northwest corner of the state is passing on a
warning concerning Combine troop movements. One of the
rangers attached to Tranquility arrived back to the
camp in a panic last week. He said that he had
eavesdropped on a Combine patrol receiving orders to
return to Denver. When the officer requested
clarification, he was told that there had been an
attack on the Denver industrial sector and that troops
were being called back to form up with an armored
column heading north. The ranger thinks that the
Combine is assembling a massive retributive strike
force; folks north of Colorado are advised to find a
hole and pull it in after them.

offering a bounty for the capture and return of a
known thief called Cedric. This light-fingered waster
apparently advanced his reputation in the underworld
by slitting the throat of a junior archivist returning
to the Grand Library. The Master Librarian is keenly
interested in a number of Dataslugs that the archivist
was bringing in for study. According to reports, the
junior librarian had uncovered them in the ruins south
of Shan Fan. They were heavily encrypted, but she had
managed to ascertain that they were a set of logs and
records to something called WHATELEY.NET

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