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Re: [HOE] Puzzling Pinnacle Perusal Problem

Matt and Teresa Steflik wrote:
> Hey gang -
> I know someone else metioned this a few days ago, but I don't think I
> saw a response and I'm having the same problem.  When I get to the
> Pinnacle site, I don't get a scroll bar so I can't access most of the
> page...can't even get to Latest Products.  The only thing I can think of
> is that Microsoft Explore (which seems to be driving the site now) isn't
> compatible with my browser (Netscape).  It's odd (and inconvenient) and
> I'm looking for some help here - any ideas?
> Matt Steflik
> Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik
I am using netscape 4.72 and it works good for me.... it is most likely
a problem in the java script that is used to set up how the page
displays...also I have noticed that netscape if kinda picky about tables
code also...for ex, if you dont close the tags (ie have the html tags
paired up correctly) in your table code, netscape may not display it at

good luck,
"The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!"