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Re: [HOE] I hate the Book o' the Dead
At 09:34 PM 3/27/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Geez, it never seemed that bad to me. What powers in particular struck you as
>most overpowered?
I don't mind harrowed powers being a little overpowered... that's all part
of being harrowed. What I didn't like about Book of the Dead was that some
of the powers were way too weak or just really lame. Since when did a
cowpoke get seriously afraid of a harrowed with Trackin' Teath at level 5
(other than You-Know-Who in the Devil's Tower trilogy, of course)? And some
powers like Dead Man's Hand was hard to use and just not worth investing
points in it for what it did do.
The dominion rules were a little screwy and had to be fixed, but other than
the inconsistent powers I didn't have any other serious complaints.