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Re: WAS "[HOE] Test." NOW Browser questions.
On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 00:19:56 -0600 "Nick Zachariasen"
<zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu> writes:
> No, I'm sure it's been stated before that headlights on a car (or
> other type of vehicle that normally has them) are considered to be part
of the
> car itself and not requiring a separate power. After all, don't you
> think a car spirit knows how to work headlights?
As far as the browsers are concerned, if a power isn't covered by that
type of spirit, the browser can't power it. If you, say, strap two
lightbulbs to a junker vehicle, they could be considered part of the car
and therefore powered by the spirit. But if you used the Light power to
make headlights, a car spirit couldn't put its juice through them.
But, on the subject of how machines exist with their spirits, here's my
take on it: a single complex device, such as a car, will have many
spirits in it. Appliance spirits for the headlights, a car spirit for
the engine, drive train, and all the "car bits," a Building spirit for
the frame, and even tiny tool spirits for all the levers and gears in the
car. Whenever a part of the device is damaged so that it no longer can
perform the function it was made for, the spirit is released. When a
headlight goes out, the appliance spirit is released.
The thing about junker tech is that you pick one spirit and stick it into
a pile of junk. That pile then performs only the task that the spirit
was made for. Hence, using Locomotion won't let you create headlights,
locks, or a windshield. You need different spirits to do that stuff, or
functioning devices that can still perform those tasks.
From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo
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