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Re: WAS "[HOE] Test." NOW Browser questions.

> Not sure myself.  I guess if the car came with headlights NATURALLY (I
> recall seeing this mentioned in the Locomotion power, but I guess you
> say it's a given), then the browser could power them.  If, however, you
> the Light power to make them, then the car browser can't touch'em.

I think Light is for building standalone lights that aren't part of
something else (like a flashlight or a street lamp).  A car would have
lights in it normally, so it should be covered with Locomotion as it's part
of the car.  You know, it's things like this that make Junker questions
comprise 21.9% of the Accumulated Rulings (9 pages).

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times