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Re: [HOE] HoE read

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:47:10 EST Xotzil@aol.com writes:
> Picked up a new comic book today by Garth Ennis called "Just a 
> Pilgrim." Lots of cool HoE elements in it, including a quickie
appearance of a 
> Rattler.
> It's done by a group called Black Bull. Don't know how long it'll 
> last, but  if it's a quarter as good as Preacher was, let's hope it's a
> time.

"Just a Pilgrim" is a mini-series, but most people who've been looking
into it say it might become an ongoing thing,  And it should sell well,
given that Wizard owns the company that publishes it.

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich Ranallo

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