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RE: [HOE] Non-lethal Weapons

Non Lethal Weapons websites: (and other cool gadgets)

I've only skimmed these, and found them through a quick 10 minute Yahoo

Searched for "Bean Bag Gun"   	(I really like the 12 Gauge Bolo rounds for
entangling someone)
http://www.spymall.com/		(All kinds of neat weapons and other toys)

Searched for "Non-Lethal Weapon"

http://www.brad.ac.uk/acad/nlw/   (Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project.
Looks interesting from a research point of view)

And Yahoo's Personal Defense catagory


There are alot of sites here.  Should be plenty of 'ammo' for ideas



-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hoe@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-hoe@gamerz.net]On Behalf Of Kai
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 7:31 PM
To: hoe@gamerz.net
Subject: Re: [HOE] Non-lethal Weapons

>...Plus it's four times the size of normal ammo...so you have to
>reduce the damage dice (by those rules, anyway). seems a bit odd, since .50
>pistol beanbags do MORE dice that the regular firearm. Oh, well.

I'm not allowing .50 cal beanbags to be used from an M-80 handgun.  There's
a big difference between .50 caliber Action Express (the handgun cartridge)
and .50 caliber Browning Machine Gun (what is used in the rifle and machine
guns).  I'm pretty sure the .50 cal beanbags are meant to be fired from
rifles, not handguns.

--Kai Tave

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