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Re: [HOE] help in excel2000 (for navigation)
Type the equals sign in the cel you want to copy into. Then click on the
cel you want to copy from. Hit 'enter'
----- Original Message -----
From: "earthbinder" <earthbinder@ntlworld.com>
To: "HOE list" <Hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 6:34 PM
Subject: [HOE] help in excel2000 (for navigation)
> ok i'm working on a table of distances and journey times for HOE
> and i want it to look something like this
> junkyard Denver boise
> Junkyard xxxxxxx ##### #####
> Denver ####### xxxxx #####
> Boise ###### ##### xxxxx
> how do i get excel to copy the junkyard -denver cell to the denver -
> junkyard cell
> (its got 33ish columns and its growing as i find more places for the party
> to visit)
> now i know that somewhere in excel theres a way to do it. so the question
> can anyone help me
> Dom
> Journeyman Librarian and Defender of Knowledge
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