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Re: OT: Paying for websites. WAS: [HOE] GURPS DEADLANDS DELAYED!


It's a humor-based website run by one Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka.  It's not
massively huge, but it has a substantial cult following and has some
name-brand recognition.

Anyway, Lowtax has had problems with at least two banner ad systems in the
last year.  The first one was with the Gamefan/Express.com company, which
ran into serious financial problems.  Then, rather than admit they were
screwed, they decided to just ignore the complaints from their hosted sites.
The short version is Lowtax ended up not getting paid for the last month or

Now, the current ad provider, eFront, is having similar financial
difficulties.  They're being much nicer about it than Gamefan was; they've
explained the situation carefully, and even given him partial payment...
But Lowtax has really had enough, and I don't blame him.  Yesterday, if
eFront hadn't given him that partial payment, SA would have been shut down,
maybe for good.  As it is, it'll stay up 'til February the 19th, then eFront
has to give him the rest of the payment.

         --Kai Tave