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Re: [HOE] Message from the forum...
>The only difference is that for each shot after the first that you fire you
>get one extra die to your shootin' skill.
>The effect is that really skilled gunslingers get a little edge out of a
>burst (taking their 5d12 to a 7d12 for a 3-round burst is nice, but not
>gaming stopping).
>But scrub shooters get a big bonus (taking a 1d8 shooting to a 3d8 isn't
>going to up the odds of multiple hits much, but it will up the odds of
>hitting AT ALL a lot).
>Actually, the system or house rule proposed sounds pretty good. It would
>encourage people to shoot more (read waste ammo) and only give them a bit of
>an extra edge to hit. I would modify it to state for each burst in one
>action above the first, just to be clear. That way they get a +1 die and a
>-2 to their shot for every burst after the first.
>Anyway, it looks like a reasonably good idea, comments?
It's a good idea - and I'm adopting something similiar for Fannin' that
came off of the DL forum.
But - to keep things inline with the shotgun rules, the added dice are all
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html
Why did the chicken cross the road?
I'm sure it felt suffocated by all the [BEEP] regulations of [BEEP]
Starfleet and just couldn't stand it any longer!