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Re: [HOE] RE: alternate timelines

   Has anyone considered what would've happened if mad scientists and junkers 
coexisted in society instead of one replacing the former?  
   The reason I ask is because I've been toying with the idea of a WoD 
crossover with deadlands, and while there are a few matters that will need to 
be thought about, the largest one in my mind is the matter of the junkers.  
   For you see, in werewolf the Weaver (fussy maiden aunt of the universe, 
personification of rules, science, technology, order, etc), well she has the 
upperhand over the wyld (chaos).  Which means that if a deadlands style 
reckoning happened in the world of darkness, even at the time of the savage 
west, the technospirits would be powerful and numerous enough to patronize 
the junkers from the get go.  Which would mean junkers and mad scientists 
  So what affect do you guys see that having?