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Re: [HOE] SW vs. Convoy (minor spoilers) (Hoppler)

>Which brings up another question... Does John Hoppler even read this list
>anymore?  He hasn't posted ANYTHING since January.

Probably not.  He hasn't responded to stuff that I've specifically flagged 
[HOPLER} either.  On the other hand...can you blame him?  He's written four 
sourcebook-type volumes in 4-5 months.  Also taking into account the high 
quality of work (IMO), this is an amazing volume of material to produce in 
such a short time.

Unfortunately, he also solo-edited Spirit Warriors as well as writing it, 
which is where I suspect some of the discontinuities (including with his own 
previous work!) I've noted have come from.  I don't know if Pinnacle is 
understaffed at this time or what, but having a writer serve as his own 
editor is usually a bad idea...


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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