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[HOE] Ghostbusters Question

This is a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. It's about the 
adventure, GhostBuster- 

Spoiler space, maybe.

Based on the discussions a few weeks ago on the list, I got the distinct 
interpertation that in GhostBusters, a posse(the one playing) from the Wasted 
West comes back in time to the Wierd West to play a hand in the story. Is 
this true? I only ask because the way I started out my HoE game was that a 
bunch of entertainment cyborgs who worked at a Wild West-style theme park 
before the apocalypse, nd now have woken up to realize that their experiences 
in the Wierd West were a lie, and now wander the Wastelands. I think it would 
be a capitol for these cyborgs to go back to the Wierd West- the real one, 
and if GhostBusters is as I understand it to be, then it would be possible.