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Re: [HoE] computer rpg utilities -- off topic?
Well... the obvious answer is: Learn programming! I
don't know what programming applications are OK for
the Palm OS, but if one is or is related to C++, maybe
I could allow the code to be made public: it's not a
major program.
--- Dirk <darklord@dark-sky.net> wrote:
> OHHH, yeah, one thing I have been dying to create is
> a Die Roller made for the
> Palm OS. It should be simple to make, (if you know
> how to program... which I
> don't). I just want something to speed the rolling
> of the dice for all my mooks,
> I just need it to roll checks and damage while I am
> roaming around the room
> telling the story, and may be a funny graphic on a
> botch. Let me know if this is
> feasible. I also would like to see how it is put
> together.
> Thanks in advance.
> --D
> Steven Strange wrote:
> > Heyo,
> >
> > I wrestled with the off-topicness of this
> for a while before I sent it
> > and then I thought; 'Heck, what's the worst thing
> that could happen?'
> > <long pause...shudder> Well hopefully it won't
> come to that.
> >
> > I in the mood to write some software that
> would be useful to the
> > role-playing community at large. I have some
> ideas, but I thought that
> > by asking the HOE group I might produce something
> more universally
> > useful. If you have an idea, don't worry too much
> about technical
> > limitations at this point, if you think it would
> be useful, please tell
> > me about it.
> >
> > Depending upon the amount of work, I will
> probably release it as
> > freeway or cheap shareware. Contributors would of
> course get a free
> > copy of any rpg utilities I crank out.
> Contributors would also be
> > mentioned in the software's credits. And finally,
> this will almost
> > certainly be a release for both Mac and Windows.
> >
> > some things to consider:
> > 1. Please tell me what Operating system
> you use.
> >
> > 2. Do you use any software during
> role-playing or during the creation
> > of Adventures? How do you use it? (MP3 player for
> background music
> > during the game, word processor for typing
> adventures, date books for
> > organizing adventures, database for tracking
> characters, spreadsheet for
> > equipment lists)
> >
> > 3. What would make this software more
> useful?
> >
> > 4. Do you use any existing RPG utilities
> and why do you like them?
> >
> > 5. What would the ideal set of RPG
> utilities do?
> >
> > 6. Are there any other active rpg mailing
> lists I should send this to?
> >
> > Ideas that I'm kicking around are: 1) An
> NPC database. It would
> > contain vital stats for NPC's, history, equipment,
> etc. This could also
> > track relationships between NPCs and between NPCs
> and PCs. 2) Some sort
> > of Timeline to help define and order events that
> take place in an
> > adventure. 3) A web based repository for something
> like the Librarian's
> > almanac entries. Users could input their stories
> for public consumption
> > and then search them online as story seeds for
> adventures.
> >
> > If you don't want to tie up the mailing
> list with this, feel free to
> > email me at sstrange@mac.com. 'Pologies if this is
> too far off topic and
> > thanks in advance for any feedback/suggestions you
> have.
> >
> > ciao,
> > Steven Strange
> >
> > --
> > sign'd with a flourish and a spatter of ink
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send a message to
> esquire@gamerz.net with
> > unsubscribe hoe
> > as the BODY of the message. The SUBJECT is
> ignored.
> To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net
> with
> unsubscribe hoe
> as the BODY of the message. The SUBJECT is ignored.
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