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[HoE] re: Templars

The Greater Reward I was thinking of yesterday was Sixth Sense, which gives 
a Templar a +4 to all Defensive Bonuses.

So...a Templar with the appropriate Gifts, in HTH probably has a defensive 
bonus of... 5 (for Guardian Angel, 5 levels), + 2 (their sword), +4 (Sixth 
Sense/greater reward) + at least 5 (for five skill levels in Fightin'/Sword) 
= 16.

That means anyone rolling to hit a Templar would need to get better than a 
21 (base TN 5 + 16).

If the Templar actually defends himself, he also gets a +1 for rolling with 
his special sword, and someone with Stern's blessing could spend a white 
chip to get +4 more (rolling against your opponent's attack rol would seem 
to constitute an opposed roll).  Which means the opponent is going to need 
at least a 26 (more, if the Templar rolls better than a 5 with those 5 skill 
levels in Fightin').

So if your Templar anticipates a lot of HTH, buy five levels of Guardian 
Angel and Sixth Sense (which should also take care of that Ambush/ethics 
thing in another post).  Then go out and have your Templar earn a Legend 
chip to get the Sixth Sense greater reward, and he should be set.  :)


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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