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[HoE] Interesting Items from last night's session.
Ok, I ran my posse through the first half of the "Real Men" adventure
that someone posted here a while back, and Kudos to whomever wrote it,
the way it started out had one of the players (who doesn't care for HOE
all that much) saying "I like this, it feels like an action movie."
Now for the fun stuff.
1. The group holds the "Man with the Deal" at gunpoint after they
refuse his offer and black hats galore jump out of nowhere. One of the
Black Hats "Gets the bright idea" (Botches) to shoot the Guys holding
the gun to the bosses Head... He shoots the boss in the Head.
2. The Greenie Syker tries to Arson some of the hats, botches, gets
Flaw for the Brain Burn result, the Arson goes off somewhere else...
Namely, in the Road Warrior's Car... The whole interior is on fire!
With a scream of "My Car! he runs for the car to grab the fire
extinguisher and put it out.
3. They escape to the boats, the mechanic checks the engine for a bomb
cause he thinks it's a black hat vehicle and he doesn't know where it's
kept (cause he's a dirty cheater and knew there was a bomb there.) The
which is the one who realizes that the crate she is sitting on is
ticking in classic movie fashion.
Mechanic: Well, there's no bomb he...
4. After the Boat chase the road warrior and the mechanic start talking
about what they are going to do to the man who burned up their car, lots
of talk of pouring gas on the guy and burning him and putting him out
and burning him again. The Greenie's Lyin Eyes give him away, they also
accuse the which of helping, the witch ends up falling out of the boat
and dog paddling in the middle of the lake when she tried to know the
can of gas out of the mechanics hand. (botched her fighting roll) The
Greenie dives in after her. They are left behind. later the mechanic
and road warrior come back and let them back into the boat after the
witch agrees to sleep with both the road warrior and the mechanic (her
idea, not theirs)
5. The Mechanic and the Greenie went back to the car to try and find a
way to get it to town, and found a black hat who wasn't dead yet,
interrogate him, (Read as: torture him by slicing up his legs with a
knife) he starts bleeding profusely and gives up some info. They then
try a medicine roll to stop the bleeding and botch. He dies and Then
his head explodes and the guys are covered in brain goop and skull
fragments (Think pulp fiction)
6. Then the mechanic sees that the Black hat car they fixed earlier is
still idling in place, ready to go. He gets in, and the greenie backs
waaaayy up. He shifts into reverse and the car goes boom! 8 wounds to
the guts, 1 to the arm, 1 to the leg. Two white chips (All he had) and
a Kevlar vest allow him to scrape by with four wounds to the guts and a
lot of wind. The greenie comes back to the mechanic's still smoking
body and for once doesn't botch his medicine roll and stops the bleeding
just in time.
... To be continued