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Re: [HoE] HOE Questions (GOFF)

On Sun, 21 May 2000 10:46:35 EDT TwoGunMojo13@aol.com writes:
snip the stuff I can't answer....
> 4>In regards to Drowning....... the "Swimming Rolls Method" didn't 
> work too 
> well when the poor Brainer was restrained on the bottom by the 
> Abomination 
> that had engulfed him, preventing him from moving.     Now it seems 
> to me 
> that I saw (somewhere) Vigor rolls in regards to drowning / holding 
> breath / 
> suffocating, ut for the life of me, I can't find this now.       Was 
> / is 
> there such?     
As far as this goes, in the Deadlands rule book they had rules for being
hung. Every round that the character is swingin' he must make a Hard (9)
Vigor roll or take the difference in wind. Thats the only thing I can
think of. Hope it helps.

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