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[HoE] HOE Questions (GOFF)

Hey folks.......
Last game session, the scheduled Marshal didn't show (dontcha hate that?) so 
no DL.      Our HOE Marshal ran a game, but wanted us to run diffrent 
characters (as backup if thats the way we wanted to think of it) so as not to 
muck up plans she had for the regular "Cast of Fools".     So we made 
characters that we were interested in 'testing' for ourselves....... and LO, 
came some questions.     We did the 'House Rules' thang, but our Lady Marshal 
wanted me to ask these questions as to get the old official ruling stuff.
Now if some of these have been touched on before.....sorry, but I didn't see 
'em.     Please bare with me.....

1>In regards to Toxic Shamen..... when using the "energy bolts" from the 
Radiation Spirit Legend Chip power, what aptitude would you use?     We used 
Faith, as Rad Blast, Atomic Blast-type, but wanted to make sure.        Same 
question for the "energy bolts" while in Energy Form.

2> Speaking of the favor Energy Form..... the duration is listed as 1 hour.   
  Is it possible to change back to 'human form'; before that duration is up, 
or are ya S.O.L. until that hour is up as far as touching / being touched?

3>The Cyber System Shield was a pain to the Marshal.......she hates it.      
BUT.... she did have a question or two about the way they work.      Now this 
particular Shield was bought with the Arcance level, and so the 
questions.....Do they prevent anything physical from touching the 
individual....i.e. if they waded into water, would they get wet?       Dusted 
if they get flour dumped on them?     We did the "air / gasses DO go 
through", but she really wanted to get official word on what you guys say can 
and cannot get through that thing.

4>In regards to Drowning....... the "Swimming Rolls Method" didn't work too 
well when the poor Brainer was restrained on the bottom by the Abomination 
that had engulfed him, preventing him from moving.     Now it seems to me 
that I saw (somewhere) Vigor rolls in regards to drowning / holding breath / 
suffocating, ut for the life of me, I can't find this now.       Was / is 
there such?     

Thanks in advance for the help.     Like I said, we made up what we didn't 
know (kinda like working for the Federal Government!), so it's not a pressing 
issue, but these are some things that might come up again and we jest 
loooooove official word.

Two Gun Mojo
SASS #30412
"I got my mojo workin'"