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[HoE] Automation galore
Please tell me if you understand these things and if they are good or not.
if something is hard to understand please tell me so i can correct it be fore
i throw this on a soon to be home page. anyway...here you go.
Here is the latest info on Throckmorton and the newest and deadliest
automation that keep rolling of the factory lines. So here you go more
automations than you can shake a rocketlauncher at.
H.M.S.B. (High Mobility Scout Biker)
This little dandy is the newest scout the Combine has produced. These
usually patrol areas between "liberated" towns. They also are used as
advanced scouts for large black hat squads, but mostly for automation
formations, or just patrol areas. These automations drive custom-made
motorcycle that can only be driven by them. These cycles are known to be
able to go just as fast as raptors.
When on the motorcycle the automation looks streamlined, and perfectly
fitted, but if they get off the bike they look comical. Like all issued
Combine equipment, the bike and weapons the automation carries is
Profile: Motorcycle
Dur. Pass. Pace MPG Size AV Top Speed
15\3 1 480 N\A +1 2 200 M.P.H
Special Abilities
Drag: On the back of the bike a chain is attached. The biker uses the chain
as a lasso to snag a person and drag behind the bike. A person being dragged
take 1d6 massive damage for every 10 mph the bike is going. Additional
damage modifiers for road conditions is up to the marshal as well as how a
person can free himself.
Off Road Capable
Interface: The bike is interfaced with the scout giving it a +4 to all
driving rolls.
Profile: Biker
Corporeal: D: 2d8, N: 3d12, S: 4d8, Q: 2d12, V: 4d12+2
Drivin' 5d12, Fightin': Lasso 4d12, Shootin': Rifle, SMG, 5d8, Sneak: 3d12
Mental: C: 2d10, K: 2d6, M: 2d6, Sm: 2d6, Sp: 2d6
Trackin': 3d10
Pace: 12
Size: 5
Wind: N\A
Terror 5 (0 off bike, looks to funny)
Special Abilities:
Armor: 1
Targeting Computer: Cancels 6 points of negatives to all shootn' and fightn'
roll. See cyborg source book.
Self-Destruct: 5d8 burst 3yd
Radio and data imaging 100-mile radius this Automation can transmit whatever
it sees to any handheld Combine video image receiver that is issued to red
Ammo Shots Speed ROF Range Damage
H.I. Sniper Rifle 12mm caseless 8 1 1 30
4d10 AP2
16x scope, silencer, laser sight
H.I. Blazer, 2 magazines, 2 H.I. Sniper Rifle magazines, a pair of zoom in
binoculars with thermal imaging included.
H.A.A (Heavy Assault Automation)
This is one of the Combines news models used for high residence
combat. Since this model is so heavy that manufacturing it with legs would
be impractical. Instead, where the legs should be is a pair of triangular
shaped tank treads.( if 5 wound are done to a leg a tread is destroyed, and
the entire model can't move.) In the middle torso is a device that allows
that automation to turn it upper body 360 degrees. There are a pair of arms,
but mounted on the shoulders is mounted a pair of Heavy Plasma Cannons.
The H.A.A. will usually fire at a target and close the distance. If a
target gets within 5 yard of the machine, the H.A.A will not fire at it since
it is within the minimum safe distance of the dual rifles. When this happens
it will move into close combat and use its fists against the target. The
H.A.A has one main weakness. The model was made after the last war and its
wiring makes it more vulnerable to EMP. Check out EMP devices at the bottom
of the document.
Corporeal: D: 3d10, N: 4d8, S: 4d12+4, Q: 2d12+4, V: 3d10
Shootin': rifle 5d10, Fightin': Brawlin' 4d8, sneak: 2d8
Mental: C: 2d12+2(6), K: 3d6, M: 2d8, Sm: 2d8, Sp: 2d6
Tarckin': 4d12+2, Overawe: 2d8, Scoungin':4d8
Pace 12
Size 8
Wind N\A
Terror 9
Special Abilities
Armor: 8
Damage: Spiked fist (Str+2d6)
Motion Sensors: When object is moving the HAA gets +6 to cognition rolls
Dual Fire: The HAA can fire both rifles in one action.
High Power Engine: Increases pace by 4
Radio: 100-mile radius
Self-Destruct: 8d20 Burst radius 5
Self Repair: On a 5 scrougin' roll the HAA finds enough junk to put into the
SRU the fix one wound +1 per raise
Ammo Shots Speed ROF Range Damage
Plasma Rifle Energy N\A 1 1 20
5d8+ special
Special: Permanently lowers armor value of a location hit by 1.
Example: Jack is facing a HAA and is wearing a Battle Infantry suit. He is
shot in the gut and the leg. Luckily he lives but the area covering his guts
armor value drops from 2 to 1, and he has lost the armor protecting his legs.
H.M.H.P.A (High Mobility Heavy Portal Automation)
This is the last model designed before Earth went to hell in a hand
basket. Luckily for humanity only 90 of these were produced before
Throckmorton found the automated factories. Also this design was lost so he
cant make anymore at the moment, but the program was lost and not deleted so
he might find it at any time.
The metal used in this design was the strongest in its class, but was
half as heavy of the next lightest. The property of the metal make its armor
a deep blue combined with the way the armor is shaped makes it look
beautiful. The right arm end in the barrel of a M-320 LAPAT. The most
distinct feature of this automation is that it has a pair a jet wings. The
unit can use them to hover in the middle of the air, or to fly.
Three of these units are connected by a mental link. No matter the
formation not one of the units connected to it is further away than 4 rounds.
The zomibefid brains are fitter with a sprit fetter and it always has enough
energy to fly, but while flying it may only fire the Anti Personnel function
of the M-320 LAPAT. When it lands it my use the Anti Tank function. The
tactic the squad uses is when they spot any target of opportunity while on
patrol they will fire as they land then always switch to Anti Tank mode even
if it is just a person. Hey overkill was in their job description.
Corporal: D: 2d12, N: 4d12+4, S: 3d10, Q: 4d10, V: 4d12+4
Shootin': rifle: 7d12, Dodge: 3d12+4, Flyin': Jetpack: 8d12+4
Mental: C: 3d10, K: 3d8, M: 2d6, Sm: 2d8, Sp: 2d6
Trackin: 3d10, Area Knowledge: Colorado: 5d8
Size: 7
Pace: 16 (280 when flying)
Wind: N\A
Terror: 9
Special Abilities.
Armor: 5
Auto Targeter: +4 to all shootin' rolls
Targeting Computer: Cancels 6 points of negatives to all shootin' and
fightin' rolls. See cyborg source book
Special Arm: Can burst fire with no recoil modifiers.
Clock of Evil: -4. When in flying these are hard to hit. When on the ground
Clock of evil dose not apply.
Self-Detonate: 8d20 burst radios 5
Anti person/ Anti Tank Ammo Shot Speed ROF Range
Weapon M-320 LAPAT Laser N\A 1 6/1 50/50 3d8
AP:2/4d12 AP:6