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Re: [HoE] Who you gonna call?

Hey Gang,

     As with most Marshals (at least I hope), I'm prone to encounter weird 
crap from my potentially "evil" posse.  The last fun one has been the Junker 
in the group, who has gone so far as to talk me into allowing the 
possibility, (though not the parts, for the love of god), to craft an AT-ST. 
  Think "Star Wars" for those not familiar.  Anyway.......he's latest kick 
is the wonderful Junker powers of Spirit Trap and Spirit Weapon.  So here's 
his latest question:

     "Can I syphon off GR from a spirit I've trapped?"

My answer was, "I'll think about it".  Which brings me to you guys.  I've 
got ideas, but, I want to know opinions here.  How much GR do you brave 
souls think should be allowed to suck off a poor spirit, and what would that 
entail?  Feed back as always is a bonus.

                                     Jason Adkins
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