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Re: [HoE] Old Movie Question
I figure the movie would have been pretty much unchanged. It was meant to
be a love story with the war as a backdrop. Most love stories didn't
include zombie soldiers rising from the grave and attacking the lead
characters. Now I think it would have been an interesting turn to the
movie but I don't think it would have gone that way. The censor board had
a problem with Ret Butler saying the word "damn" much less having a hoard
of living dead eating people's brains.
If it had been a different movie though I think Ret would have been a
On Thu, 18 May 2000 01:31:26 -0500 Sean Gore <sgore@midlink.com> writes:
> Okay, here's something my posse and I thought kind of interesting and
> wanted to get the listserve's thoughts on the matter. During my
> last
> session, while the group is in a momentary (and slowly building)
> lull
> and much needed R&R at a self-crafted town (Fort Freedom Point in
> New
> Mexico), on of the players, while at a casino, decided to sit and
> watch
> the slug player, which happened to be showing "Gone With the Wind."
> Now, I chose that movie, primarily because it was one everyone could
> reference (who hasn't heard of the thing) and because...well...its
> sitting in my wife's and my video collection and I was looking at
> them
> for ideas when I wrote the adventure. But the player had an
> interesting
> question, and one, I am ashamed to admit, I hadn't preparred for.
> Its
> one of minor contention and did not interrupt the flow of the game,
> but
> its one I thought we might have fun kicking around...
> What was different in the movie?
> The movie takes place during the Civil War...after
> Gettysburg...so...how
> differently did the movie proceed? Did the scene of vast violence,
> where the wounded soldiers are spread out amongst the town and
> fields
> proceed differently? I.e. did the dead begin getting up and
> terrorizing
> the other troops...and Scarlet? What, if anything, occured
> differently?
> Sean "MoJo JoJo"
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