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Re: [HoE] Toxic Shamans and Cult of Doom
> I don't know how Spirit Warriors handles it, but
> presumbly it applies some
> kind of penalty to the Shaman to be hit "directly"
> by a Nuke. _If_ that's
> the case, then the Shaman wouldn't get the defense
> against the Nuke if it
> was targeted near him.
Naw, it's the Radiation Immunity favour - it eats up
all radiation damage, so atomic blast and MIRV don't
do anything. Nuke does it's usual (stated in Spirit
Warriors), but I'd need CotA if I ever had a Spirit
Warrior in my game (and time to check to see if the
doomie was throwing rads or explosions).
So now let us sing of what remains
There will be stillness in our hearts
There will be sweetness in our lives
By and by...
Steve Wallace
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