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[HoE] Any chance we could get an OFFICIAL ruling for the AR page? Was: Re: [HoE] Toxic Shamans and Cult of Doom
Any chance we could get an OFFICIAL ruling for the AR page? Hopler, Goff,
ANYONE at PEG want to comment on this thread and slap the Official Seal on
The Baron Samedi wrote:
> >
> >Never, ever directly target someone with a Nuke. ;)
> >
> >In fact, the paragraph above seems to apply that you _can't_ ever target
> >someone directly with Nuke.
> >
> >Oh well...
> someday we will understand, Steve.
> Then we will RULE THE WORLD
> >---
> >
> >Steve Crow
> >
> >"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
> >
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