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Re: [HoE] Review of Epitaph #1
Matt and Teresa Steflik wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> <snipped stuff>
> So, for your $15, you got a shiny, bound sourcebook sized book to put
> alongside your other sourcebooks containing a decent adventure, a tidbit
> of campaign world info, a Veteran table already available for free on
> the website, a less than satisfying piece of fiction and a little comic
> book. Frankly, I was more satisfied with the old Dime Novels. Fiction
> piece + adventure = around $5.00. Compare this to the Epitaph? Ten
> additional dollars for (basically) the bonuses of a larger format, a
> comic and a table I've seen already leaves me feeling a bit taken
> advantage of. Yuck.
> That'll about do it. Questions and Comments? Anyone else check this
> out yet besides me?
I read through it as well and the 15 dollar price tag felt about 5 to 10
dollars to much.
The original Dime novels stood out in the industry as cheap yet well
done booklets but they have now gone the way of the dodo.
Personally, (and remember folks, no matter who you think you are, any
review is simply an opinion so dont get all upset! hehe!) I have to agree
with you 100% on this. The inclusion of Jay Kyles Veteran o' the Faraway
war was nice since some people dont have access to the internet (gasp yes
it is true!) but still the re-tread feeling was there.
On the death of Teller... well I hate to say it but thats the fate mere
mortals are in for in the game unless the Marshall makes allowances and
tries to help them out. (Which I do) The gross imbalance (and it is period)
of the AB means that .. yep. Poor Teller was doomed. And dont think I like
it one bit.
The lack of real info and a comic that to me was thin to the point of
being little more than a storyboard did not justify the price for this
glossy Epitaph.
On a side note Spirit Warriors appears to be well balanced which is welcome
shift from the Powerdoomie and Sykerblasters! Thank goodness.
> Matt Steflik
> Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/
David Heth
"Master of Time!"