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Re: [HoE] Deadlands and strength

>Steve Crow wrote:
> > Well, I was going to note it yesterday, but AV1 makes you entirely 
> > proof.  For the cost of a relatively cheap coverall suit of Junker AV1, 
> > could suit up, wander into the Dive in Junkyard, get into brawls with 
> > 6d12+12 Cyborgs, and watch all their blows bounce off of you... :)
>Okay, how about this for a quick fix: When rolling strength damage
>against an armored opponent, drop the strength roll two steps for each
>AV instead of the usual one.

Do we need a fix in this particular instance of brawling?  I was merely 
observing it as an idiosyncracy of the rules in this particular instance, 
although as previously noted I do think it kinda undermines the whole 
"Templar Reputation" thing.

>Example: A grundy named Smush with a Strength of 4d12 takes a swing at
>somebody wearing AV1 body armor. Instead of rolling 4d12 you roll 4d8.
>For hand-to-hand weapons, reduce both die-types, the weapon damage by
>one step per point of AV as usual and the strength roll by two steps.
>Example: El Ravager swings his sword at a Cyborg with AV2. His strength
>is 3d10 and the sword does 2d8. The sword is reduced two steps to 2d4 as
>usual, and El Ravager's strength roll is reduced four steps to 2d4.
>Consider this bruise factor or stun/knockback effect.

Concerning the whole Templar thing, it doesn't sound too bad, no.  Something 
else to put on my list to play around with.  Thanks.



Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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